Welcome to
We meet every Sunday in Enfield
You are always welcome to join us!
What's on @ Jesus Church this week
19th January: 2nd Sunday of Epiphany
8am: Holy Communion in Charis
10:30am: Morning Prayer with Junior Church
The heating is fixed in the Charis centre, so Junior Church is back on this week
Bible Readings: 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11; John 2: 1-11
Other dates for your diary
26th January: 3rd Sunday of Epiphany
8am: Holy Communion
10:30am: Holy Communion
Bible Readings: 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31a; Luke 4: 14-21
christmas craft day 2024
Advent concert
Wonderful to see a packed Church as the Bella Cora Choir and Albion Brass joined forces to present such a varied programme.
The congregational carols raised the roof.
Toddler Tuesdays @ Jesus Church
TOYS, TEA AND TOAST From 9am AND JOY TOTS at 10.15am
Come and join the Jesus church baby and preschool group. A time for parents and carers to relax with a cuppa while the children play. You are all very welcome.
There is also the option to join an energetic and engaging 30min Music and movement session with bible stories and fun for your little ones - JOY TOTS! A time to share smiles, giggles and watch your tots jump with joy. Plus, hear a short faith fuelled thought to takeaway for the day.
Suggested age range 6 months- 4 years. Refreshments and child snacks provided at the start of the session. £3/ child.
Exciting new themes each week!
Toddler Tuesdays @ Jesus Church are run by volunteers; all proceeds go towards the work of Jesus Church in our community.
Readers Appreciation Group
Act ll Scene ll of THE HOLLOW by
Agatha Christie
Who has killed John Christow?
Find out next week or the week after.
If you'd like to find out more about joining us please emai Robert - rcdavison46@gmail.com
Happy New Year
Great to welcome Chris to our first House Group of 2025
Remembrance Sunday 2024
Enfield Food Bank
Thank you for your ongoing contributions.
Long Life Milk/Long Life Juice/Squash
Tinned Fruit/Tinned Meat and Fish/Tinned Vegetables and Potatoes
Christmas Food: Stuffing, Cranberry sauce and Gravy
Christmas Sweets, Cakes, Biscuits, Puddings, Mince Pies/ Savoury Snacks, Christmas Crackers that you pull
Baby Items: Nappies (4,5&6), Milk, Food
Toiletries (Shower Gel, Shampoo, Conditioner, Deodorant, Toothpaste), Toilet Roll/Washing Powder
Donations can be left on the food bank cross at the back of the church and they will be taken to the food bank. Thank you
We met on Monday 13th May. It was an opportunity to reflect on the life of the church over the past year, elect our church wardens and members of the PCC.
You can click on th buttons below for more information